If we wanted a vehicle that has a car battery, motorcycle battery is not easily preserved soak (battery can not store electricity by either voltage or voltage drops), because the battery is very important on the part of electricity in our vehicle.

Tip (Accu) car battery care and motors. Car and motorcycle batteries as a source of in dire need of electrical vehicle, especially when we first start the engine. For the types of batteries itself consists of two kinds of Dry Battery (dry battery) and Wet Battery (wet battery). Following are some tips on how to care for battery:
- Check the batteries periodically water, make sure the height between the upper limit level and lower level.
- Check the physical battery, if there are cracks or leaks, plug that was not closed properly, ventplug clogged.
- Clean the battery if it is dirty and dusty, give a little grease on the pole batteries to prevent rust.
- Add water batteries better morning, after the car do not use.
- To add water batteries use plain water batteries, because batteries zuur only for the first time only.
- Avoid short circuit the positive and negative poles batteries (very damaging cell battery).
- Check the pole tighten loose beige, check also clamp / battery bracket to keep it sturdy so it is not easily removed from its place (reducing gonjangan batteries).
- If the age of the batteries are depleted quickly change because it can damage other components, especially the starter dynamo.
Accu are components that must be in jga and in-patient as well as possible Because battery-related electrical components in our vehicles.