In the world there is a term machining or heat treatment is also called Heat Treatment Heat Treatment what is the process of heating the cooling process followed for a certain time and if necessary followed by heating and cooling back.

The heat treatment process is classified into 3 parts:
1. Thermal
Ie heat treatment process utilizing combined heat only in achieving the desired heat treatment.
2. Thermo-mechanical
Namely process heat treatment who utilizing a combination hot and mechanical treatment (forged,lathe,beaten, etc.).
3. Thermo-chemical
Ie heat treatment process memnfaatkan combined heat and accompanied by a chemical reaction with substances or the conduct inerstisi of chemical elements.
Heat treatment goals are:
1. restoring the original properties of a material are disrupted because the process.
2. make certain properties as required operational / functional and design specifications.
Heat Treatment or heat treatment is no stranger to industrial machinery and that these technologies will not be timeless.