Generasi Rem, ABS (Anti - Lock BRAKE system)

automotive industry with increasingly advanced technology of modern technology is applied in a car or motorcycle. we will discuss a little brake ABS (Anti - lock Brake System).

Basic understanding of:
               Anti-lock brake systems or anti-lock braking system (ABS) is a braking system on the car to avoid locking the wheels when braking suddenly / hard.
This system works when braking hard on the car so that any part or all of the wheels stop while the car was speeding, making the vehicle uncontrollable at all. When the sensor detects a wheel lock, he would order piston brake pressure to loosen, then mengeraskannya back so wheel spin. The process takes place very quickly, can reach 15 times / sec. The effect is to keep the car under control and more effective braking distances.

  The workings of ABS is to reduce the pressure of sudden oil / brake oil on canvas calipers that clamp the brake disc or drum. Brake fluid pressure gradually channeled. Slowly so the vehicle can be stopped during sudden braking. In the ABS system development were considered not enough, so the automotive experts also develop supporting technology. Devices named EBD was designed with the goal of shortening the braking distance when brakes until the car is completely stopped. EBD works by using sensors that monitor the load on each wheel. Process works, if it brakes, then the computer will divide the pressure to each wheel according to his load. The impact is becoming increasingly shorter braking distance.

Benefits Features ABS
               Misperceptions on the function of the brakes caused consumer understanding of the benefits redahnya brake ABS (Anti-lock Braking System). Therefore, not surprising that there are still many consumers who consider trivial function car features ABS brakes. In fact, the ABS feature is very beneficial for road safety, especially when sudden braking is done especially on slippery roads.
Until this moment too many drivers who understand the vehicle brakes as the rate freeze. In fact, the brakes function only reduce wheel spin. Try you imagine, why the car is still running hard slide when the brakes are stamped so deeply. Especially when done in a wet or sandy conditions.

conclusions of technology ABS (Anti - Lock Brake System) can at least be able to decimate the accident at the moment we do pengereman.thank you, Do not Forget to pray before driving