Five tips eliminate sleepiness while driving
Traffic accident this time largely due to loss of concentration while driving. Moment of loss of concentration that is often encountered is daydreaming, fatigue / physical condition does not fit so can not concentrate well, and coming extreme drowsiness. Associated with drowsiness does sound like a trivial thing, but bikers need to know the drowsiness factor is still the biggest cause of traffic accidents at this time.
we will give you five tips to avoid drowsy and keep concentration while driving:
1. Begin your journey to pray first
2. First wash your face, wash your face with a biker could make more fresh than a job that makes you tired
3.No drinking / consumption of drugs that can trigger drowsiness while driving.
4. Ready to drink enough water, if necessary, prepare a small meal. Avoid wearing belts too tight so that breathing is not compromised
5. tips last stop to take a break with a cup of coffee and relax with sleep safely fifteen-minute to three minutes to preserve piluh concentrations remain vibrant.