Today companions "LM" (Lingkaranmesin) will discuss the canvass kompling on vehicle mass bermotor.kampas the longer clutch operation then the clutch lining thickness of the lining will wear out and then camvass rather loud compared to the new ones.
Friend "LM" will give little tips to canvass komping long ysah not buy a new one, thereby saving uang.live to the scene:
- Surrender clutch lining is worn in gasoline solution. (- +1 Hour).
- further drain the clutch lining and replace the clutch lining as before.
- by soaking it in a solution of canvass kompling petrol then the clutch lining is worn out will be softened, because the gas before, so do not slip.
- with the tricks we could make the kompling canvas can be used to cover the distance -+6000 km / hours. so could save a little money.
that's all the tips given may be useful this time and useful.regards Friend * LM *