The Boyle-Gay Lussac Law.

in time we will discuss about the formulas associated with the machinery, the Boyle-Gay Lussac's Law:

- Boyle's Law :

- Gas pressure will be inversely proportional to the volume in a closed room.

 p_{1} \times V_{1} = p_{2} \times V_{2}

- Charles's Law Gay-Lussac :

- Volume of the object will be directly proportional to the absolute temperature in indoor spaces.

 \frac {V_{1}} {T_{1}} = \frac {V_{2}} {T_{2}}

 - From the second law above, then:

 \frac {p_{1}\times V_{1}} {T_{1}} = \frac {p_{2}\times V_{2} } {T_{2}}

- or referred to the Boyle-Gay Lussac Law.

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